Christmas has come and gone and boy am I glad!! I love the holiday season and all that comes with it but I am always glad when it is O-V-E-R!!! You see, we don't have just 1 or 2 Christmases to attend....we have a total of 6 and all of them are at least 30-40 miles away or more (with the exception of the our "family", the hubby and the girls)....and they are spread out over a week. Another thing is, I am a person who likes having a routine (and making lists, but that is a different post), and with the holidays, "routine" goes out the window!!!! Enough about that, we have also been busy with the girls school and Kristyn's sports (she is currently playing basketball for the school and also playing club volleyball). She usually has basketball practice at least 3 times a week after school, 1 game a week and volleyball practice one night a week with tournaments 3-4 weekends a month. I must say, I do LOVE it though and I am so blessed to be a SAHM (who substitutes in the schools) and am able to make it to all of the functions that our girls have, so I don't have to miss a thing that they are involved in. Sometimes it can get overwhelming, but I wouldn't change a thing. Ryleigh has decided she doesn't want to play any sports this year and we are fine with that. She is 9 and there will be plenty of time for her to be involved in that type of stuff if she chooses.
A while back I posted that we were starting to follow Dave Ramsey's financial plan and let me just say, we have paid off 2 credit cards and will be paying off a third one this week (woo hoo!) and have been putting money back for an "emergency fund". I am bound and determined to get a lot of debt paid off this year so that hopefully we can start working on a plan for building a house. Not only have I been working on getting our finances organized, I have been working on getting this house organized. Slowly but surely I am getting there and love the way that I feel after I get a "project" done. Currently I am working on getting the "keepsakes" organized and getting my closet organized. Well, I hope everyone (all 4 of had a wonderful holiday season and that your 2011 has started off brilliantly. Feel free to leave comments and if you have a blog, leave a link so I can drop in and say "hello".....