I LOVE TO MAKE LISTS!! It helps keep me on track and I love seeing the "to do item" crossed off of my list once it is done. By making a list of things to do it helps me to not "forget". When you have kids who are involved in activities in and out of school things tend to get forgotten, some are important and some are not, but they are forgotten nonetheless. I make lists for everything...grocery lists, Christmas lists, chore lists, errand lists and so on. Every evening I sit down with my trusty little notebook and make my "to do" list for the next day. If I don't do it in the evening, I do it as soon as I get home from taking my girls to school and then I am ready to get started on my day.
To start 2011 off right, I went to Target and bought a calendar (actually I bought 2, one for the bills/chores and one for my purse). It is a bigger calendar that has the month and behind each month is each week broke down by day. On the "month" each Friday I have listed the bills that are to be paid that week (love having a budget, it keeps me on track). On the "weekly" pages I have my "chores" listed. I love the Flylady, she is how I came up with my chore list. Anyway, each day I have a "morning routine" that I do which includes emptying the dishwasher, making my bed and putting a load of clothes in the washer. I also have "chores" that I do each day. I do the same chore each week on the same day. For instance, Mondays are my days to run errands such as going to cleaners, grocery store, & bank. Kristyn usually has volleyball practice on Mondays so if I run my errands on Mondays, then I am already dressed and ready when she has to go to practice (I am a SAHM, so there are days that I don't leave my house). On Tuesdays I clean out the refrigerator/freezer and take the trash out. Wednesdays are bathroom and floor day, Thursdays I wash the bedding and dust & Fridays I pay the bills and clean out my purse and truck. These are not the only things that I do on these days, but these are the "must do's" for these days. After I get done with these "chores", I start on my "to do" list. I may include organizing my scrapbook hutch, cleaning out/organizing kitchen cabinets, etc. Things that need to be done but are not a must. Here are some pics of my calendar as well as the little notebooks that I like to use for my "to do lists".
This is the "weekly" view of my calendar. As you can see, I have not gotten anything written down much less done since Ryleigh has been sick with the flu. There has been alot of "snuggling" going on though, which makes me happy! All the other "stuff" can wait.

This is what the calendar looks like from the front.
t=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5569924271290723586" />I got these cute little things at Michaels in the dollar bin....love, love, love the dollar bins!!

I bought these at Hobby Lobby for $1.99. They have all different kinds with different designs and are a great size as well.

One thing that I look for when buying notebooks is that the pages are lined. I hate to write on a piece of paper that is not lined. The pages in both of these notebooks are lined.
Another thing that I do each week is make a "menu". I usually do this on Sunday evening since I go shopping on Monday and the Sunday paper has coupons and sales ads. I make my grocery list according to my menu for that week. By doing this I have saved myself from having many a headaches and last minute, "what am I going to cook???" Every morning after I get home from dropping the girls off, I simply look at my calendar to see what is for dinner that night and take the meat out of the freezer. I list on my calendar any activities that are going on and plan my menu accordingly. For instance, if Kristyn has a basketball game on Thursday night, on Wednesday I will cook something that can be had as leftovers on Thursday (lasagna, enchiladas, chili, etc). This saves me from having to cook dinner late at night or having cereal (can I get an amen?). Alot of times Doodle will not get to make it to her game because he does not get off in time so he will come home and heat up the leftovers and me and the girls will do the same when we get home.
I realize that this is not for everyone, but it sure works well for me. Please feel free to leave a comment if you have any ideas for helping to keep a household running smoothly and ensuring that things that need to get done get done....
Thanks for dropping by and have a blessed day!