
Saturday, October 29, 2011

What a week!!

I have had one heck of a week!! Here is a post with Weekend Recap & Wednesday Weight Watchers Weigh In with other stuff thrown in.....

First things first.....

Weekend Recap:
you all know about my fiasco with the stove. On Saturday we spent the day looking for a stove. Got that done and that evening we went down to the deerlease with some friends and ate dinner.... came home and went to bed...Sunday I spent ALL DAY washing clothes because Doodle was leaving on Monday for Montana until after the first of the year. That evening some friends and us all got together to have dinner before Doodle was soooo good! Steaks, potatoes, mixed vegetables and Sister Shubert rolls!!! YUMMY!!!!! After dinner, we came home, girls got baths and went to bed and Doodle and I packed his bags and made sure he had everything he would need. Monday, Doodle got up and left for Montana around 6:00...I got the girls up and off to school and then came back home and went back to bed since I had a terrible headache....the rest of the week was filled with the, cheer practice, football game, you know, the usual.

Now on to:

Wednesday Weight Watchers Weigh In
...I went by myself this week since my friend was not feeling to well....I weighed in at .6 lbs lighter than last week which is good. Not as much as I would have liked to lose, but loosing is always bette than I will be happy with it and hope it is better this week. One thing I have got to start doing is exercizing....I have a plan...I am going to start getting up, putting on my workout clothes, take the girls to school and come home and walk/run a mile. It is a start! This week I have not been worth anything!! The first week that Doodle is gone is always the hardest. Getting used to a new routine, not sleeping well, get the picture.

And last but not least...

New Business Venture
I have signed up to become a Thirty One Gifts Consultant!! I just got my consultant kit yesterday and I am soooo excited! I first saw the product catalog when a teacher at the school that I sub at had a catalog. Then a friend of mine had a catalog party but I was never able to get with her to look at the book. I contacted the consultant that she used and I had a book party and got over $600.00 in orders!! YEA ME!! I ended up getting $100 in free products, 2-1/2 price items and 2 hostess exclusives! I was hooked and wanted more, so I signed up! My sister is currently having a book party for me and I have a couple of other people who are going to have parties as well....I am soooo excited!

So there you have it....everything that has gone on in the last week in our household...oh, and Doodle made it to Montana on Tuesday evening...he said it is beautiful and just today a moose crossed the road in front of his hotel room...CRAZY!!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend....

Saturday, October 22, 2011

It is always something....

Why does it always seem like "it is always something"??? Earlier this month we had to have the duct work replaced so that hopefully our electric bill will drop from $500.00+.....yes, you read that correctly. Anyway, last night I had just put the chicken and rice in the oven and sat down and all of a sudden a here this buzzing noise and look at the oven and there is flames inside... uuuuggghhhh!!! I turned the oven off and flipped the breaker so there was no power to the stove and the fire went out and that was that. But, no chicken and rice! Ended up cooking some sausage on the grill and I had a sausage sandwich...So, the husband, girls and I went to Lowes this morning and bought this....

When we were on our way home I got Doodle to stop at the grocery store and I bought a cake mix, brownie mix and cookie dough....once we got home and got the stove hooked up, I baked these goodies....

Just waiting on the brownies to cool off....YUMMY!!! Doodle and the girls love chocolate cake and I like brownies....even though they are not great for Weight Watchers it will be ok because I have extra points! lol...Well, better get off of here so that I can make some potato salad for tonight. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

2nd Annual Redneck Birthday Bash

Yes, you read that correctly....REDNECK!! Several of us started this last year since there are a lot of our friends who have birthdays in October. Seriously, I think we have almost everyday of the month covered. So, last year we put together a party with a band (Jody Booth), food, dancing, we even hire cops to make sure that everyone acts right. We have had close to 200 people both years and nobody gets out of line. This year was the hubbys BIG 40 so it was extra special for him....We have started looking forward to this party and so has everyone out here where we live. We live in a small community where everyone knows everyone, kids kindergarten through 12th grade ride the same bus and all the schools are located on the same land. You can stand in the middle and see each school...not to mention we are in the country and "town" is 20 minutes away....LOVE IT!! Anyway, here are a few pics of our night....

I can't post all of them due to the amount that I took....but I think a good time was had by all!

Weight Watchers Wednesday Weigh In

Well, today was the weigh in day....the scale said I had gained .9 lbs....but, the lady said she didn't think that was right because I had on two shirts and blue jeans with bling on them which tends to make them heavy and makes it seem like you gain weight when you really didn't. ...and they are heavy pants, but I didn't think about that when I put them one this morning. When I got home, I changed and weighed myself and my scale said I had lost weight...which made me feel great, but my luck, my scale is wrong....BUT, I am just going with it!! lol....

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Weight Watchers Wednesday Weigh In

I meant to do this post last night, but after going to my WW meeting and running the roads with my friend, baking a cake for my husbands 40th birthday and cooking supper, time got away from me. Plus the fact that we had a quick severe thunderstorm that evidentally produced a tornado kinda threw me for a loop....

So, as I mentioned, yesterday I went to my 3rd Weight Watchers meeting, which made my 2nd full week on the program and I am happy to say that I have lost another 1.6 pounds!! YEA!! I now weigh 138.2.....YIPPEE!! Sorry to have to make this post short and sweet, but I have housework that desperately needs my attention and the next two days are jammed pack. Tomorrow I have errands to run in order to get ready for the 2nd Annual Redneck Birthday Bash....oh yes, there will be pics!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Weekend Recap

I know I am a day late with this post, but yesterday I had to run a couple of errands and Kristyn had a volleyball game and we didn't get home until around 10:00....and I only live about 5 miles from the school!! They won, which was great! Anyway, on to our weekend....

Friday: Friday night was Middle School night at the High school volleyball game. They introduce all the jr high volleyball teams for Tarkington. After the game, we just came home because Kristyn had a volleyball tournament all day Saturday.

Saturday: We spent all day at the volleyball tournament (Kristyn's team won 1st place, for the second year in a row!), after that, we went to Academy to get a pop up blind for Doodle and Ry to use on Sunday, and then we went to eat at HB japanese Steakhouse....yummy!!!

Sunday: Doodle and the girls went hunting in the morning...when they got done, I took the girls to PetSmart and got Ryleigh a hamster since she had such good grades on her report card....we stopped by the grocery store so I could pick up a few things and then we came home and stayed inside because the weather was nasty and raining...YIPEE!! Finally, we got some rain!!

So, there you have it....our weekend....we didn't do alot, but it sure did seem like it!! Well, tomorrow is my weigh in at Weight Watchers..I'll be sure to let you know how it goes!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Weight Watchers Wednesday Weigh In

Today marked one week that I have been on the Weight Watchers Points Plus Program. My friend and I went to our weekly weigh in and I am proud to say that I lost 2.6, now my weight is an even 140. I am so excited and can't wait to go back next week. I sent my husband a text message while I was sitting there and told him that I had lost 2 lbs and he texted me back and told me that he could tell, he just hadn't said anything....made me feel good that he noticed! After our meeting my friend and I went shopping and out to lunch. We made it back just in time to get the kiddos from school....I think we are going to try to make it a weekly "girls day"... Sorry this post is so short, but I gotta get the kitchen cleaned up, get my bath and in bed...I have to sub at the jr high tomorrow and Kristyn has a football game to cheer at tomorrow night..

Hope everyone has a wonderful day tomorrow!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Volleyball, Cheer, Volleyball, Cheer...story of our life!

Everyday, every week there is either a practice or a game....sometimes two practices on the same day! I know I have mentioned that Kristyn plays volleyball and she is also a cheerleader so our week is packed!! It looks like this....Monday, vb game..Tuesday, vb practice after school and cheer practice after vb...Wednesday, vb practice.....Thursday, cheer at football game...Friday, vb practice. Last Saturday and this Saturday she has volleyball tournaments. Don't get me wrong, I love that she is involved in stuff and I love that she loves what she does, but dang sometimes I wish there was a day when there was nothing going on after school.

Tomorrow is my first week weigh in at Weight Watchers...I am excited! Afterwards, Salina and I are going to go either to Gallery Furniture to look for her some new furniture or do something fun in Humble...who knows with us! In the mean time I am going to leave you with a few pictures of what else....Kristyn playing volleyball and cheering....Story of our Lives!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Weekend Recap

Hi all!!! Hope you had a fabulous weekend!! The weather here in my part of The Lone Star State was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! Perfect if I may say! Well, to recap our weekend....Saturday my Kristyn had a volleyball tournament, they did really well and took home the second place trophy. Afterwards we came home and Ryleigh went to her friends house and Kristyn and Doodle went hunting (this weekend was opening weekend of bow season). They didn't get anything but oh well, plenty of time to hunt. I stayed home and enjoyed an evening by myself. Sunday, Kristyn and Doodle got up early and went hunting and Ryleigh had spent the night with her friend. I got up, went to church, then to the grocery store and then came home and cleaned house. Everyone got home around 8:00, got baths, ate and called it a night around 9:30. All in all, it was a great weekend.

On the weight loss home front, it hasn't been a week since I started Weight W@tchers, but so far I feel like I have done pretty good. I am eating alot of bananas and frozen grapes, drinking water and keeping track of my points. I know that days where we have volleyball tournaments is going to be a difficult day and that I am going to have to manage my "extra points" closely for those weeks. I am a little worried about the weigh in this week, but only because I had a visitor come on Friday (you ladies know who I am talking about) and I retain water for that week. Hopefully with all the water I have been drinking it will help. I was going to go join the YMCA today but Doodle had a procedure done on his leg last Friday and it cost more than I thought it would so the money I had budgeted for the Y went to that. The weather this weekend has really prompted me to go get a bike and I saw one at Walmart a couple of weeks ago that I just fell in love with. Maybe I will go back and get it....who knows.

Well, that is about all I have...gotta start getting ready for my day....Kristyn has a volleyball game tonight and I want to get the sheets washed and back on the beds and the girls bathroom cleaned.... Hope you all have a blessed day!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I Soooooo Need To Lose Some Weight!!

Hey all....sorry I did not post yesterday, it was a busy day for me! After my morning appointment, I ran errands until I had to go pick up Ryleigh from school. We came home for a little bit and then had to go pick up Kristyn from volleyball practice, ran home so she could change, stopped and got her boyfriend, met some friends in town and then took 15 kids to a carnival in a neighboring town...we got home late and my allergies were kicking my butt from being in the area where they show, I had a pretty rough night last night!

You my be wondering what that has to do with the title of this post and really it has nothing to do with it, but my morning appointment yesterday has EVERYTHING to do with it. You see, I weigh more now than the day I delivered both of my kids! UUGGHH!! So, yesterday I went and joined Weight Watchers! Yep, sure did!! My friend Salina joined a few weeks ago so we are going to go to the meeting together and help hold each other accountable. I am the type of person who has no self discipline, plus I hate to do this type of stuff alone. I have tried but I just can't stay committed. On my way home I stopped in at the local YMCA to see what they had to offer for workouts. They have different classes everyday of the week, so everyday after I drop my girls off at school, I am going to go to the YMCA and workout. On Wednesday of each week, I am going to go to Kingwood for my weekly Weight Watchers weigh in and meeting and then stop by the YMCA on my way home and work out for an hour. I am going to lose this weight...I have to...I don't like the way I look and I need more energy. So dear readers (all 5 of weight this week is.....142.6....yes, I am posting it here for all of you to see! I have an ultimate goal in mind, but am not ready to share that just yet...maybe in a few weeks. For now, I am setting a small goal of 5 lbs...My plan is on Wednesday of each week to have Wednesday Weekly Weight Watchers Weigh In post to document my weight loss journey...I hope you all stick around for it.

Well, I need to cut this short because I have to take Kristyn's spirit sticks to the school along with the cheerleaders snack bags for the games tonight. Until next time, have a blessed day!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Erin Condren Craze

I know, I have not done very good at this blogging, but I am going to try to do better. I have some things in the works and hope to be sharing them soon.

About the title of this post....have you gotten sucked into the Erin Condren craze ( I sure have. Earlier this summer, I started looking for a organizer/day planner in order to help me keep up with everything that goes on in our life. My oldest daughter is in jr high and plays volleyball for the school, basketball, runs track, cheers and plays club volleyball during school volleyball off season and my youngest daughter also plays club volleyball. So, as you can see I NEED help remembering everything. Anyways, low and behold I came across a blog that raved about the Life Planner by Erin, I hopped on over to her website and I swear, I heard angels sing!!!!!! She has the CUTEST organizers, labels, cards and other things....all personalized!! Who doesn't love anything personalized!!! I was a bit shocked at the price ($50.00), but then I got to thinking that I have spent that much trying to FIND a planner that I love and works for me, so I bit the bullet and bought one....I stalked the mail lady and even hunted her down when I went to the mailbox only to find that I had a parcel to pick up at this post office!!! Utter disappointment! Never fear, what did I do, I called my friend who works at the post office and she called my mail lady and found out where she was and I went and met her on her route to get my parcel!! Well, I sat right there on the side of the road and opened the box and again, I heard angels sing!!! It was everything I had hoped for and more! Not only did I get my beautiful tourqoise and white Life Planner, but I also got a coupon for 10% off my next order AND several personalized labels....just because Erin Condren is great like that!! Upon further research, I found a coupon on Plum District for $50.00 worth of merchandise for $25.00....woo hoo!! AND, as if that is not enough, I found another one on One Kings Lane....SCORE!! So, I am ordering my sister one for Christmas and cannot decide if I want to order me some labels or some Christmas cards....I am thinking about going with the labels....So, without further is my Erin Condren Life Planner....

I am officially, an Erin Condren customer for life!! I love my planner and the fact that it is so colorful, has a month at a glance as well as each day of the week broke down by morning, day & night. It comes with a pockets in the back so that you can keep papers, coupons, receipts, etc. It also has a plastic zipper, if you haven't already jumped on the Erin Condren band wagon, hop on over to her website and check out her products...and, as Erin says...."Enjoy!"

** I have not been compensated in anyway by Erin Condren for this post. I posted about this product strictly because I love it and want others to enjoy her products as well.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

WOW....It's been a while

It has been a while since I have done a blog post, but I am sure nobody missed me. We have been pretty busy this summer with going to the lake (Sam Rayburn & Lake Livingston), Garner State Park, swimming with friends, movies, volleyball camps, spending the night with friends, etc. So far this week I have been washing clothes and cleaning house since we spent the 4th of July weekend at Sam Rayburn. We took out camper and boat and had a great time with some friends. The girls enjoyed being pulled on the tube and Kristyn rode the knee board. We got home on Monday and I have been catching up with laundry and cleaning while the girls go to a volleyball camp Tues-Thurs for 3 hrs in the morning. This week is going to be pretty busy with the girls having volleyball camp and Kristyn has a dr appointment on Friday to get a physical so that she can go to cheerleading camp next week and I have to take my truck to the shop to get the A/C blower motor replaced....yes, it went out Monday evening and only works occasionally and if you are in Texas you know that it is dang near impossible to go any length of time without an air conditioner!! Well, I have laundry calling my name so I will leave you with some pics of some of our summer activities so far...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Teenagers....enough said!

Life with a teenage girl is not easy!! Perfect example, today Kristyn has TAKS test. The school sent out an email asking that all cell phones be kept at home because they would be taken up if brought to school. So, this morning before we left I told Kristyn to leave her phone at home, she asked if she could leave it in the truck when she got out. I agreed. Well, we get to school, she gets out and I ask her where her phone is, to which she replied, "I don't know", I then said, "give me your phone right now", suddenly she finds it in her jacket pocket and brings it to me. As I am driving off, the window is still down and I hear her exclaim, "OH MY GOSH!" This is her "phrase" when she thinks something is absolutely ridiculous. If I had not had to get Ryleigh to school and had not been in my bright yellow frog fleece pants, I would have brought her back to the truck and taken care of her mouth. Needless to say, she is in for a rude awakening today when she gets out of school. Her phone is being taken away and when she gets it back there will be restrictions on it. For instance, there will only be certain times that she can use it (I will set the times on verizon so it will be inoperable) and I am going to take the texting off. Kristyn is a really good kid and has never given us any bit of trouble, but I cannot deal with a smart mouth, and I won't! I love my kids more than anything, and I want to be their friend, but I am their parent first and foremost. I know this is minor and it could be so much worse, but I won't tolerate a smart mouth and she knows it. Ok, I feel better now! Thanks for listening and for those of you who have gone through the teenage years with a girl and have any suggestions, please feel free to pass them along....Hope you have a wonderful day!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Illness & Honor Roll

Hello all....sorry it has been a few days since I have posted but I ended up getting sick and am just now getting on my computer. I have some kind of head cold with coughing, stuffy nose & cough, not to mention no voice...I am pretty sure my husband is enjoying that part :).Needless to say, my house has been a wreck and supper has been "eat what you can find, cause momma ain't cookin". Everyone is still alive and hasn't loss too much weigh. lol. Anyways, I made myself get up and get out today because I needed to go to the cleaners, get a propane bottle filled for the travel trailer and go to Ryleigh's awards ceremony for making Honor Roll, not to mention, my nails and toes were in desperate need of some TLC. Both of my girls made honor roll this past six weeks and I am so proud of them. Kristyn has perfect attendance for the year so far and Ryleigh would have had perfect attendance for the 6 weeks had she not gotten the flu. Oh well, maybe this 6 weeks will be different. She did get a free kids meal from Ranch Hand and is excited about that. Maybe tomorrow we will go out for dinner while Kristyn is at her school dance. Who knows! Well, just wanted to drop in for a minute, gotta get dinner finished (I actually cooked tonight) and then take Kristyn to a 1 hr volleyball practice. Hope everyone enjoys their evening!! Talk to you later!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Weekend Recap & Menu Monday

Hello everyone.....hope you had a great was a beautiful weekend here in Texas, after a very cold week a nice, sunny, and somewhat warm weekend was a welcome sight. However, I was not feeling good and spent most of Saturday on the couch with a sore throat and ear ache. After taking some Dayquil I felt much better and was able to go out with the hubby and some friends for dinner and dancing. We had so much fun! Sunday we just stayed around the house and did a whole lot of NOTHING!! We did manage to go to the track and run/walk. Doodle and I have decided to start to get in shape and have decided that we are going to start walking/running at least 3 times a week. Yesterday was the first day and it felt GOOD!! I have always wanted to run but hate doing it by myself, it is just too boring. Anyway, that is what our weekend consisted of....what did you do?

As for our menu this week, you will see that there are some duplicates from last week. That is because I ended up switching some days around and there were two days that we ate, here is our menu for this week....

Monday: Roast, rice, green beans & corn
Tuesday: leftovers
Wednesday: pork chops, rice/gravy, green beans
Thursday: pinto beans/sausage/rice & cornbread
Friday: leftovers
Saturday: dinner out (volleyball tournament)
Sunday: chicken/rice, mac & cheese, corn & green beans

There you have it, our menu for the week. Hope you all have a blessed week. I am off to run my errands and get to work on my "to do" list!! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Weekend Recap & Menu Monday

I hope everyone had a glorious finally warmed up here in Texas and Saturday and Sunday were absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! After having a sick child and unbelievably cold weather here, a beautiful weekend was surely welcomed!! We didn't really do to much this weekend. I really didn't want Ryleigh getting out and having a relapse of the flu so Saturday we pretty much stayed home. I ended up going and getting my hair cut and then taking Ryleigh to my parents house to spend the night because Kristyn had a volleyball tournament yesterday and we had to be in South Houston early and I didn't want Ryleigh around all of the people. Kristyn's team did pretty good, they won 2 out of the 3 games that they played. For those unfamiliar with volleyball, 3 "sets" equal 1 "game". Each set is played to 25 points and you have to win by 2 points. If the same team wins 2 sets, then the 3rd set is not played. If the 3rd set is played, then it only goes to 15 points. Yesterday was spent at the volleyball tournament and then we went to eat with some friends, went and picked up Ryleigh and headed home to finish watching the Super Bowl. Well, Doodle watched to Super Bowl and I went and climbed in the bed because I was T-I-R-E-D!! Needless to say, I slept really good last night and both kids are at school this morning so this is starting out on a good note.

Now onto something different. I read alot of blogs on a daily basis and have some across several that do a "Menu Monday" and list the stuff that they will be having for dinner each day of the week. Well, like I said in my other post, I also do up a menu each week and thought that I would start doing "Menu Monday" on my blog each week, well, because I can and at least I know I will have one post each week. So, here goes:

Monday: Spagetti & garlic bread
Tuesday: Smothered steak, rice/gravy, green beans
Wednesday: Beef tips & rice, corn
Thursday: Fried pork chops, rice/gravy, mac & cheese, green beans
Friday: Tacos & spanish rice
Saturday: roast, rice/gravy, green beans
Sunday: left overs

As you can see, we eat alot of rice & gravy and green beans....I have a picky eater and so we usually have those with each do whatcha gotta do!

So, how was your weekend and what is on your menu?

Friday, February 4, 2011

To Do List, Calendars & Notebooks

I LOVE TO MAKE LISTS!! It helps keep me on track and I love seeing the "to do item" crossed off of my list once it is done. By making a list of things to do it helps me to not "forget". When you have kids who are involved in activities in and out of school things tend to get forgotten, some are important and some are not, but they are forgotten nonetheless. I make lists for lists, Christmas lists, chore lists, errand lists and so on. Every evening I sit down with my trusty little notebook and make my "to do" list for the next day. If I don't do it in the evening, I do it as soon as I get home from taking my girls to school and then I am ready to get started on my day.

To start 2011 off right, I went to Target and bought a calendar (actually I bought 2, one for the bills/chores and one for my purse). It is a bigger calendar that has the month and behind each month is each week broke down by day. On the "month" each Friday I have listed the bills that are to be paid that week (love having a budget, it keeps me on track). On the "weekly" pages I have my "chores" listed. I love the Flylady, she is how I came up with my chore list. Anyway, each day I have a "morning routine" that I do which includes emptying the dishwasher, making my bed and putting a load of clothes in the washer. I also have "chores" that I do each day. I do the same chore each week on the same day. For instance, Mondays are my days to run errands such as going to cleaners, grocery store, & bank. Kristyn usually has volleyball practice on Mondays so if I run my errands on Mondays, then I am already dressed and ready when she has to go to practice (I am a SAHM, so there are days that I don't leave my house). On Tuesdays I clean out the refrigerator/freezer and take the trash out. Wednesdays are bathroom and floor day, Thursdays I wash the bedding and dust & Fridays I pay the bills and clean out my purse and truck. These are not the only things that I do on these days, but these are the "must do's" for these days. After I get done with these "chores", I start on my "to do" list. I may include organizing my scrapbook hutch, cleaning out/organizing kitchen cabinets, etc. Things that need to be done but are not a must. Here are some pics of my calendar as well as the little notebooks that I like to use for my "to do lists".

This is the "weekly" view of my calendar. As you can see, I have not gotten anything written down much less done since Ryleigh has been sick with the flu. There has been alot of "snuggling" going on though, which makes me happy! All the other "stuff" can wait.

This is what the calendar looks like from the front.
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I got these cute little things at Michaels in the dollar, love, love the dollar bins!!

I bought these at Hobby Lobby for $1.99. They have all different kinds with different designs and are a great size as well.

One thing that I look for when buying notebooks is that the pages are lined. I hate to write on a piece of paper that is not lined. The pages in both of these notebooks are lined.

Another thing that I do each week is make a "menu". I usually do this on Sunday evening since I go shopping on Monday and the Sunday paper has coupons and sales ads. I make my grocery list according to my menu for that week. By doing this I have saved myself from having many a headaches and last minute, "what am I going to cook???" Every morning after I get home from dropping the girls off, I simply look at my calendar to see what is for dinner that night and take the meat out of the freezer. I list on my calendar any activities that are going on and plan my menu accordingly. For instance, if Kristyn has a basketball game on Thursday night, on Wednesday I will cook something that can be had as leftovers on Thursday (lasagna, enchiladas, chili, etc). This saves me from having to cook dinner late at night or having cereal (can I get an amen?). Alot of times Doodle will not get to make it to her game because he does not get off in time so he will come home and heat up the leftovers and me and the girls will do the same when we get home.

I realize that this is not for everyone, but it sure works well for me. Please feel free to leave a comment if you have any ideas for helping to keep a household running smoothly and ensuring that things that need to get done get done....

Thanks for dropping by and have a blessed day!

A Snow Day & the Flu

All I can say is this....IT IS COLD IN TEXAS!!! Yesterday they let the schools out at 2:00 and cancelled classes for today. We were expecting anywhere from 1-3 inches of snow last night but we got NONE!! However, there is alot of ice on the roads which makes for a bad driving experience when you are not used to having to drive in these conditions. So, needless to say, we are inside in our pajamas all day today. Not that I am complaining. I like lazy days like this, it is nice to be able to decompress from our busy life every now and then. Not sure what all I will get done today, but I do know that I need to work on laundry and my scrapbooking hutch and whatever else I can find to clean out and organize. I LOVE TO ORGANIZE, but that is for a different post!! Okay, that was random. Sorry! I know the bedrooms in this house need to be picked up, so maybe that will get done too. The kitchen definately needs to be picked up. Doodle decided to get up and cook breakfast and he NEVER cleans up after he cooks and it is driving me crazy to sit here and look at it as I am typing this post....

I have had a sick little girl this week. When I picked Ryleigh up from school on Monday she was complaining of a sore throat and headache, but was not running any fever. We went to Kristyn's volleyball practice that night and she got to feeling worse. At about 3:00 in the morning she woke up coughing and running a high fever. I called the pediatrician the next morning but they were booked for the day so the soonest I could get her in was 9:00 on Wednesday. So bright and early Wednesday we were headed to the drs office, where she tested positive for the flu. After getting her prescription we headed home and have been here ever since. I must say that the medicine they gave her worked pretty fast and she is doing alot better, but still has a nasty cough. Kristyn has since started coughing so I am giving them both cough medicine and hoping that Kristyn does not get any worse, she has a volleyball tournament this Sunday and really wants to play. So far it is just a cough and no fever so please pray that she does not get the flu....

Well, stay warm and thanks for dropping by!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Volleyball, Aggieland & Donkeys

That is one heck of a title, I know, but that is exactly what our weekend consisted of.

On Friday we headed up to College Station to stay with a friend of ours because Kristyn was playing volleyball in the Aggieland Classic. They did pretty good, they could have done better, but oh well. On Friday after we got there and got settled in we went to eat at Freebirds, it was really good. After that we went back to Kerri's at got caught up. Doodle and Kerri grew up together and she has two boys that are close to my girls ages. On Saturday we were at the volleyball tournament all day. When we got back to Kerri's we ate spagetti and watched a movie and ended up to going to bed pretty early. Sunday we got up, went to Aggieland Outfitters & Traditions and bought some shirts and stuff, went to the campus and took some pics, went to Los Cucos to eat lunch then went down to Spoons for some yogurt. After all of that we came home. It was alot of fun and we are looking to forward to maybe going back during Spring Break when all the flowers and trees have bloomed and take more pics at the A&M campus. If you have never been to College Station, it is really a fun and neat place to go. A typical college town. There is every possible store, resteraunt, and activity to be done.

On Monday, Kristyn had volleyball practice from 6-9, so Ryleigh and I went to the Donkey Basketball game (no animals were hurt or injured during this game). The Seniors at our high school do this fundraiser for Project Graduation where for the first half the juniors play against the seniors and the second half it is the parents who play. There are rules. 1) you must be on your donkey when you pass or shoot the ball 2) you can walk your donkey only if the ball is on the ground and you are going after it. We only stayed for the first half because it was getting kind of boring so we went back to the volleyball practice.

This week has not started going so well, but more on that tomorrow....for now, here are some pics ( I only took a few of the volleyball because the seating was awful, either the girls backs were to us or they were on the other side and the net was in the way)....I need to get off of here and fix dinner (enchiladas and spanish rice) and stay is COLD here in the state of Texas!! Hope you have a wonderful evening!

Friday, January 21, 2011

I've been awful!!!

At blogging that is. I don't know why it seems so hard for me to get at least one post a week done. Maybe it is because I don't feel like I have anything important or life changing to post. I mean, I get on here at least once a day and I have two girls (one of which is a teenager) so I should always have something to write a post about....right??? Well, I guess I could tell you a little bit of what we have been up to.

Christmas has come and gone and boy am I glad!! I love the holiday season and all that comes with it but I am always glad when it is O-V-E-R!!! You see, we don't have just 1 or 2 Christmases to attend....we have a total of 6 and all of them are at least 30-40 miles away or more (with the exception of the our "family", the hubby and the girls)....and they are spread out over a week. Another thing is, I am a person who likes having a routine (and making lists, but that is a different post), and with the holidays, "routine" goes out the window!!!! Enough about that, we have also been busy with the girls school and Kristyn's sports (she is currently playing basketball for the school and also playing club volleyball). She usually has basketball practice at least 3 times a week after school, 1 game a week and volleyball practice one night a week with tournaments 3-4 weekends a month. I must say, I do LOVE it though and I am so blessed to be a SAHM (who substitutes in the schools) and am able to make it to all of the functions that our girls have, so I don't have to miss a thing that they are involved in. Sometimes it can get overwhelming, but I wouldn't change a thing. Ryleigh has decided she doesn't want to play any sports this year and we are fine with that. She is 9 and there will be plenty of time for her to be involved in that type of stuff if she chooses.

A while back I posted that we were starting to follow Dave Ramsey's financial plan and let me just say, we have paid off 2 credit cards and will be paying off a third one this week (woo hoo!) and have been putting money back for an "emergency fund". I am bound and determined to get a lot of debt paid off this year so that hopefully we can start working on a plan for building a house. Not only have I been working on getting our finances organized, I have been working on getting this house organized. Slowly but surely I am getting there and love the way that I feel after I get a "project" done. Currently I am working on getting the "keepsakes" organized and getting my closet organized. Well, I hope everyone (all 4 of had a wonderful holiday season and that your 2011 has started off brilliantly. Feel free to leave comments and if you have a blog, leave a link so I can drop in and say "hello".....